What is new at Edinburgh Endodontist?
We are proud of the fact that many of our existing aspirational procedures for infection control and prevention, decontamination, sterilization and cleaning have been recognised as gold standard.
These include but are not limited to adequate ventilation and air extraction of the surgeries, correct use of PPE, decontamination and sterilization of equipment, decontamination of the surgeries, universal use of rubber dam, universal use of high volume aspiration, field decontamination during treatment to name a few.
In addition to the above, we have introduced:
- Online consultations, risk assessment and screening to limit unnecessary travelling to the practice
- Appointment staggering to adhere to social distancing regulations
- Limited use of waiting room to adhere to social distancing regulations
- New patient journey for the safety of our patients and team (Please check our new patient journey protocol)
- Use of screens at the reception
- The provision of multiple hand sanitation stations at the practice
- New PPE protocol for our patients (Masks, fluid resistant patient gown, shoe and head covers)
- Additional PPE protocol for the clinical team during endodontic treatments (respirator mask, gown and fluid resistant cover, shield, head cover and shoe cover)
- Additional UV disinfection of the clinical area
Stay healthy and safe.
Thank you for your understanding and support,
Best wishes
Edinburgh Endodontist Team