What is a root canal and when do you need one?
What exactly is a root canal?
The term root canal itself refers to the anatomical space inside the root of a tooth. The root canal is composed of the pulp chamber, the main canal and smaller branches that are capable of connecting root canals with either each other or with the surface of the root. The pulp chamber contains the pulp tissue, which is an important component of the tooth containing connective tissue and stem cells named odontoblasts. The pulp tissue has numerous functions: it provides essential water and nutrients to the mineralised parts of the tooth, it detects overly high or low temperatures, pressure or trauma, it forms reparative dentine and it also produces the dentine itself. As you can see, the pulp tissue and the root canal are both important parts of the tooth. If the pulp tissue becomes damaged or infected, root canal treatment may provide a solution. If you need a root canal Edinburgh, contact our practice for an appointment!
Root canal treatment is primarily used to save and repair teeth that have been affected by advanced tooth decay or infection. The surrounding nerves and the pulp tissue can undergo inflammation, irritation or get infected due to numerous factors, including frequent, repeated treatments performed on the same tooth, overly large fillings, damages, cracks or chippings of the tooth or advanced tooth decay. Orofacial trauma can also result in pulp tissue/dental nerve inflammation/infection/irritation. During the root canal treatment procedure, both the pulp tissue and the dental nerve are removed from the tooth, and the hollow inner part of it is cleaned in order to prevent tooth infection or a potential abscess, which if left untreated can cause further complications! Root canal treatments for some reason are known for being painful, however generally they are not particularly painful. Local anaesthetics are always used during the procedure, which can numb the local area down to an extent that you barely feel the procedure being performed. Infections around the roots of teeth can have severe complications, such as localised swelling that may spread further, localised bone loss or drainage issues, possibly a hole from the side of the tooth draining into the gums, causing further infection. Therefore, it is crucial to perform a root canal treatment to prevent further complications. If you or your loved ones require a root canal Edinburgh, do not hesitate to contact us for dedicated, experienced care.
How do you know if you need a root canal?
There are various signs and symptoms that can indicate the need of root canal treatment. One of them is general tooth sensitivity, that is amplified by hot or cold foods. Another symptom worth noting is a sharp pain during the biting or chewing of food. Swollen, inflamed or painful gum tissue can also indicate the need for a root canal treatment alongside gum pimples. Injuries resulting in the chipping or cracking of teeth may also signal that a root canal treatment must be performed. Deep dental decay generally also necessitates a root canal treatment. If you require a root canal Edinburgh, get in touch with our dental practice. We are highly proficient in performing endodontics, which we perform on a daily basis and will be only too happy to provide a solution to any root canal treatment you may need.