Sedation for your root canal therapy
If you have any dental anxieties and the thought of any kind of endodontic therapy gives you cause for stress, and you would rather face the pain of a constantly sore tooth than come visit us, then you are a perfect candidate for sedation. At Edinburgh Endodontist, we understand that you may have some deep fears about the dentist, and this may even come from a previous traumatic experience from a clinician who was rough or unkind with you, which is why we offer sedation instead of just telling you that it’s going to be alright. We make you feel as though you are floating on a happy little cloud until it is all over. Now that doesn’t sound so bad, does it? Let’s take a look at what you can expect from a root canal Edinburgh.
What will the sedation be like?
The type of sedation we offer is IV sedation, this is a special drug that is sent directly into your bloodstream, our nurses and dentists are specially trained to administer this medication and you can rest assured that you are in good hands. It will make you feel completely relaxed and very happy throughout the procedure, you may even be a little giggly afterwards and you will likely not remember much of the procedure when it is all over.
The medicine we use for this purpose is quite strong, and though it won’t put you to sleep you will definitely need someone to take you home afterwards and let it wear off for at least 4 hours. So for those of you who are working you will need to book a sick day, as operating heavy machinery is out of the question for the rest of the day. This includes driving cars, and we feel it important to mention that you will be no good in the office either, so take the day off.
About the treatment
Your dentist probably referred you to us as your case may well be more complicated than they can handle themselves, but not to worry, this is something that we do so often that we welcome a challenging patient for root canal Edinburgh and there is one more thing to bear in mind before we begin; you won’t feel a thing. The expert use of anaesthetic will numb the whole side of your face that needs to be worked on before we even bring a drill near your tooth.
After numbing, our work for root canal Edinburgh can begin; we will drill away the top part of the tooth in order to open the area where the pulp is contained, it may well be at this point that the tooth had become blackened and decayed and that area will no longer be able to be saved so we take it away. Once we have made enough space to work we will begin to clean out whatever infection there may still be and remove all decay from the tooth, this requires some scraping and flushing, all of which you will not feel or even notice if you are sedated. Once the pulp chamber is clear we can fill it with a rubbery substance called gutta percha and it will then be safe from future infection.